Lord & Lady Krebs at Jesus College

The best fun of writing is playing location scout. It gets me out of my office and takes me to settings I could not have imagined. Last week I visited Jesus College. Our guide was the Principal himself, Lord Krebs.

Oxford colleges remind me of gemstones. On the outside most look the same in weathered sandstone, but inside are glittering jewels, each one unique and full of history. Many are closed to the public. These ancient rocks are hard to crack.
The Oxford Newcomer’s Club is designed for the other halves. Our husbands/wives/partners are working or studying at the University. The club takes pleasure in arranging special insider tours only for us. The organizers are mostly academic spouses themselves and can relate to our displacement and isolation.
The inner courtyards are quiet and laid with perfect grass, but don’t step on it! It feels like a castle or a monastery. That makes sense since many Oxford colleges were started as religious instituitions. Jesus College was founded by royal charter in 1571, making it one of the middle-aged colleges. The earliest ones date from the thirteenth century.

Each college is like an archeological dig with visible layers of history. Behind me in the first quad photo you can see the original sandstone of the dining hall, pitted with time. To my right is the oldest part of the college, but the third floor and those battlements were later additions. To my left is the principal’s residence.
Queen Elizabeth I founded Jesus College for the purpose of converting the Welsh to Protestantism by training clergymen for the recently established Anglican Church. The queen herself came from a Welsh family, the Tudors. The benefactor, Hugh Price, endowed it with the income from his Welsh estates. It was his idea to start the college. His income was not sufficient, but later graduates have contributed generously to make Jesus one of the wealthier colleges. Traditionally the students were predominantly Welsh, although reform has made the student body more diverse. It is still called the Welsh college.
Lady Krebs is Welsh, but her husband is not. They are both biologists. She used to teach at a girls’ technical college, and he has been a professor of ecology. He is now devoted to running Jesus College. His father, the former Lord Krebs, was also an Oxford college principal. Despite their lofty titles, I found the Krebs to be very warm and engaging. They were more Katharine and John than his lady and lordship.
Upon hearing that I was American, John smiled and told me the story of his summer in the States. He had taken a research job at Woods Hole on Cape Cod. At lunchtimes he snuck off to sail. Later he drove with his friends cross-country in a red Mustang.
We laughed over the words that mean one thing in English and another in American. A torch is a flashlight, and a rubber is not something you pull over your shoes to keep them dry. The amusing misunderstandings between the two cultures, despite a common language, will be a theme in my third novel. John and Katharine suggested some reading material for my research. They are eager to read NOT CRICKET one day.

Seeing inside the college was an inspiration. The double courtyard windows flooded the dining hall in sunlight. On the walls hung austere portraits of the founders and famous graduates such as Lawrence of Arabia, Harold Wilson and John Nash.

We also visited the old bursary where special guests go for dessert, port and even snuff under the eyes of Queen Elizabeth. There were many portraits of their royal founder in the college. King Charles I’s gold watch resides inside a glass display case. The silver postdates the republic years. During the Civil War, all the colleges had to donate their silver to flatten into coins to pay the soldiers. It amazes me that the Brits went back to a monarchy, but perhaps this is easier to understand if all the nobility were as charming and gracious as the Krebs.

On the walls hung portraits of former principals and impressionist paintings borrowed from the Ashmolean Museum. The oddest portrait was of a vegetable seller with a monkey on her shoulder. The monkey was a trick to lure customers into buying more produce. It was very unusual to have an oil painting of a commoner during the Renaissance.

On the weekend my husband and I saw Elizabeth: the Golden Age. The cinematography was stunning and the acting was almost good enough to make you ignore the weak script. “There is a wind coming which will sweep away your pride,” says the Spanish Ambassador. Honestly! Forget the Virgin Queen, she was the Cliché Queen. The King of Spain and his mini-me daughter were Monty Pythonesque. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition or the Addams Family. Still, the talented Cate Blanchett was worth seeing. Even if this sequel was disappointing after the perfection of the first, Elizabeth I was a fascinating character. How amazing to leave the theater and pass the college she had founded.
Labels: art, England, movies, Not Cricket, Oxford, schools, writing
Hey Sarah. What a small world Oxford is. I've seen your husband at some Reuters Institute events and my wife, Ruth, has been on several Newcomers' Club jaunts. She was at Jesus College last week and is at some arboretum today. Yes, we should get the dogs together for a Port Meadow romp, though I'm afraid ours has a bad habit of eating cow and horse poop. Hey, grist for your novel!
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Hi Sarah and thank you for visiting my blog. I've answered your questions there, where I could see your comment.
I really enjoyed the photos you posted. Oxford is a beautiful place, full of atmosphere. You can see why it inspires so many writers - yourself included, I hope.
I hope you have a wonderful time in the UK and please keep in touch.
Thanks! Leigh has a blog about her dubut crime novel, Cut Short. John is a journalist in Oxford for the year with his family, just like us. Today's blog on "Oxford on $1,000 a Day" is hilarious. I've added the link to his blog on mine because it is so similar. You can find their blogs by clicking on their blue names.
Hi Sarah,
I was at Jesus College with you and enjoyed your write up. I hope to visit with you at some of the Newcomer activities. We are here for a year while George does genetic research at Nuffield Orthopedic Hospital in Osteo-Arthritis. We are from Richmond VA and renting at Woodstock and Moreton Rd.
Reference to Fredrick's Fables brought happy memories as it was the favorite book of our third child Jerry who is a senior at Princeton University. We are empty nesters so not facing some of the challenges you and the Kellys are.
Hi Sarah and thank you for visiting my blog. Your trip looks amazing!
Looking forward to meeting you, Sally, and other Oxford newcomers. I enjoy hearing your reactions as well as those from virtual visitors like Leigh. I'm signed up for the Science Museum next. My second novel, SAD, concerns evangelicals who want to change the science curriculum. It features an empy nester character who is having trouble adjusting to life in a new location. Maine is a world of its own just like England. We are lucky to have these special experiences even if it can feel lonely at times. Your comments make me feel in good company. Thank you!
The Science Museum is great fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy it and hope you have a lovely day out.
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